

Title Description Start Date End Date File
Publication of claim objection list for various posts under Integrated Child Protection Scheme under Mission Vatsalya, District-Sarangarh-Bilaigarh(CG)

Publication of claim objection list for various posts under Integrated Child Protection Scheme under Mission Vatsalya, District-Sarangarh-Bilaigarh(CG)

06/01/2025 05/02/2025 View (696 KB) 1. जिला बाल संरक्षण अधिकारी (डी.सी.पी.ओ.) (1,015 KB) 2. संरक्षण अधिकारी (संस्थागत देखरेख) (950 KB) 3. संरक्षण अधिकारी ( गैर संस्थागत देखरेख) (862 KB) 4. विधिक सह परीवीक्षा अधिकारी (231 KB) 5. परामर्शदाता (500 KB) 6. लेखापाल (197 KB) 7. डाटा एनालिस्ट (268 KB) 8. सहायक सह डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर (जिला बाल संरक्षण इकाई) (283 KB) 9. सहायक सह डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर (किशोर न्याय बोर्ड ) (133 KB) 10. सहायक सह डाटा एंट्री ऑपरेटर (बाल कल्याण समिति ) (115 KB) 11. निरस्त आवेदनों की सूची (168 KB)
Advertisement for recruitment of various educational contractual posts in Swami Atmanand English Medium Schools. District-Sarangarh-Bilaigarh (CG)

Advertisement for recruitment of various educational contractual posts in Swami Atmanand English Medium Schools. District-Sarangarh-Bilaigarh (CG)

02/01/2025 10/01/2025 View (3 MB)
Advertisement for recruitment of service providers for operation of Sakhi One Stop Centre

Advertisement for recruitment of service providers for operation of Sakhi One Stop Centre

02/12/2024 03/01/2025 View (7 MB)
Regarding inviting applications for Choice Agent under Public Service Guarantee Act

Regarding inviting applications for Choice Agent under Public Service Guarantee Act

13/12/2024 31/12/2024 View (1 MB)
Publication of eligible and ineligible list for contractual recruitment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, District Sarangarh-Bilaigarh

Publication of eligible and ineligible list for contractual recruitment under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, District Sarangarh-Bilaigarh

23/12/2024 30/12/2024 View (289 KB) Data Entry Operator (6 MB) Takniki Sahayak (5 MB) BC (6 MB)
Advertisement for the post of Office Assistant for District Level Women Empowerment Center
Advertisement for the post of Office Assistant for District Level Women Empowerment Center
29/11/2024 28/12/2024 View (2 MB)
Final list of gender specialist post

Final list of gender specialist post

28/11/2024 27/12/2024 View (608 KB)
Advertisement for various posts under Panchayat and Rural Development Department MNREGA scheme

Advertisement for various posts under Panchayat and Rural Development Department MNREGA scheme

05/12/2024 23/12/2024 View (2 MB)
Publication of final preference list of sanctioned posts for District Level Women Empowerment Center

Publication of final preference list of sanctioned posts for District Level Women Empowerment Center

19/11/2024 20/12/2024 View (3 MB)
Publication of cluster wise selected Awas Mitra list under Pradhan Mantri Aawas Yojana Rural
Publication of cluster wise selected Aawas Mitra list under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural
22/11/2024 08/12/2024 View (7 MB) बिलाईगढ़ (10 MB) सारंगढ़_compressed (7 MB)
List of selected and eligible and ineligible candidates of the Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Sarangarh, Bilaigarh, on temporary contract recruitment of human resources in the mobile medical unit under the Indian Red Cross Society.
List of selected and eligible and ineligible candidates of the Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Sarangarh, Bilaigarh, on temporary contract recruitment of human resources in the mobile medical unit under the Indian Red Cross Society.
22/11/2024 08/12/2024 View (928 KB) Lab tech. salected List (221 KB) Staff nurs eligible List. (2 MB) Staff Nurs salected List (194 KB) Wahan chalak eligible and salected candidate list (4 MB)
Final list of eligible and ineligible applicants letter for various posts under HUB

Final list of eligible and ineligible applicants letter for various posts under HUB

08/11/2024 22/11/2024 View (558 KB) 2. Jender Visheshgya Apatra List (376 KB) 3. Vittiya Saksharta Apatra List (219 KB) 4. Karyalay Sahayak Apatra List (289 KB) 5. Data Entry Operator Apatra List (380 KB) 6. Malti Tasking Apatra List (206 KB) 1. जिला मिशन समन्वयक (1) (1 MB) 2. जेंडर विशेषज्ञ (808 KB) 3. वित्तीय साक्षारता एवं समन्वय विशेषज्ञ (388 KB) 4. कार्यालय सहायक. (367 KB) 5. डाटा एण्ट्री ऑपरेटर PMMVY (2 MB) 6. मल्टी टास्क स्टाफ . (2 MB) HUB अंतर्गत विभिन्न पदों हेतु पात्र, अपात्र आवेदकों की अंतिम सूची का प (2 MB) HUB दावा आपत्ति निराकरण सूची (1 MB)
Temporary contractual recruitment of human resources in the mobile medical unit under the Indian Red Cross Society, Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Sarangarh Bilaigarh

temporary contractual recruitment of human resources in the mobile medical unit under the Indian Red Cross Society, Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, District Sarangarh Bilaigarh

08/11/2024 18/11/2024 View (3 MB)
Final list of candidates after review/resolution of applications received for objection to claims of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resources

Final list of candidates after review/resolution of applications received for objection to claims of Awas Mitra/Dedicated Human Resources sarangarh- Bilaigarh

28/10/2024 05/11/2024 View (313 KB) बरमकेला आवश मित्र (2 MB) बिलाईगढ़ आवश मित्र (4 MB) जनपद पंचायत सारंगढ़ आवश मित्र_compressed (4 MB)
Advertisement for contractual recruitment of Development Block Coordinator/Technical Assistant/Data Entry Operator under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural

Advertisement for contractual recruitment of Development Block Coordinator/Technical Assistant/Data Entry Operator under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Rural

26/09/2024 14/10/2024 View (2 MB)
Aawas Mitra Selection Eligible/Ineligible, Claim/Objection Invitation

Aawas Mitra Selection Eligible/Ineligible, Claim/Objection Invitation

28/09/2024 04/10/2024 View (6 MB) आवास मित्र दावा आपत्ति जप सारंगढ_compressed (6 MB) आवास मित्र दावा आपत्ति बिलाईगढ़_compressed (5 MB)
District level women empowerment under hub provisional of various post for final list of claim objection

District level women empowerment under hub provisional of various post for final list of claim objection

24/09/2024 03/10/2024 View (4 MB) 01 (13) (4 MB) 01 (12) (2 MB) 01 (11) (6 MB) 01 (10) (5 MB) 01 (9)_compressed (5 MB) 01 (8)_compressed (2 MB) 01 (1) (797 KB) निरस्त आवेदनों का विवरण (400 KB)
e-DM Final Selection List

e-DM Final Selection List

24/09/2024 30/09/2024 View (672 KB)
e-DM Final Eligible Candidate For Interview List

Final Eligible Candidate For Interview

18/09/2024 23/09/2024 View (3 MB)
Claim objection and list of eligible and ineligible candidates.

Claim objection and list of eligible and ineligible candidates.

11/09/2024 16/09/2024 View (3 MB)